To create a world where humans can trust AI
We want to build a future together with companies, creators, developers and individual users that combines the best parts of disruptive technologies like AI, blockchain, and AR/VR with the best human qualities. A future defined by synergy and collaboration between man and machines that can be summarized by the formula (Human + AI)2.
About us
What’s Connectome?
Connectome is a technology platform to realize human-like AI assistant, “Virtual Human Agent” (VHA). By harnessing the Artificial Intelligence (AI), Game AI (human-like intelligent NPC technology), blockchain and human sciences, VHAs can, amongst other things, be personal assistants, the cornerstone of productive organizations and companies, assist in healthcare, and be the future of human-technology interaction. The goal is to create a future where humans can trust in and live alongside AI technologies that will increase the quality of communication between humans, as well as between humans and technology.
- Human-like
decision making AI - The Connectome platform employs AI technology to provide a software development kit (SDK) which can be used by individual users to create human-like decision-making AI. The uses cases are many and varied. For example, game creators can design algorithms around situational understanding AI and use it to design their own characters. Individuals and companies can create VHAs that can function as tailor-made personal assistants or virtual, in-office co-workers.
- Human-like
- Situational
recognition AI - Connectome’s VHA uses AI models for not only object detection in an AR space, but also for facial and speech recognition of its users. We will promote the use of AI in the real world.
- Situational
- Asset of algorithms
- By enabling individuals to develop and sell algorithms through a distributed marketplace, the Connectome Market aims to vitalize the entirety of the technology market.
- Distributed AI
learning - The ultimate goal of the situational recognition AI that Connectome aims to offer is providing users with an AI model based on safe and reliable blockchain technology. This represents a fundamental break from the black box AI currently provided by large enterprise operators.
- Distributed AI
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The amount of data in the world will increase exponentially. Not just because of smartphone evolution but also due to IoT and 5G technology. The massive amounts of data, and along with constantly rising use of technology, will make it difficult and time-consuming for individuals and organizations to process all the information and make decisions. This goes double for real-time is an increased need for new technology that can automate and streamline communication between people and technology.
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- Research shows that having human respondents answer questions from human-like characters improves response rate and speed when compared to audio prompts.
There’s the famous rule of Mehrabian. It says that people receive information not only from hearing but also from mimicry and the body’s movements. VHAs have the potential to extend and deepen communication between people and technology.